Harry potter and goblet of fire movie and book connect

triwizard egg

I have to confess that when I started to read this, I had to push myself to keep going till half of the book. Even though I had read books 1, 2, and 3. After completing half of the book, it is not like keeping it aside. The story becomes gripping because that leads to the return of you-know-who and the initial is a bit slow because I think it goes into more detail about building the plot for the return of you-know-who.

We get to know about, the house shown in the movie, riddle house. Harry boss around Dudley that he can do magic if he tries to misbehave with him. Different tasks which harry has to do in this Triwizard tournament. Professor moody and his way to teach defense against dark arts to students. Harry got to know about other wizard schools and why they all are not known to muggles. Naville did not give Gillyweed to breath underwater, It was Dobby the house elf who gave gillyweed to Harry. 

If you have watched the movie and not read the book then you must know that there are a lot of questions that are answered in the book and not in the movie. The questions like: 

  • If he-who-must-not-be-named was not dead and he has just lost his strength, then where was he?
  • What you-know-who was doing during his time of vanish?
  • Why do you-know-who hate muggles?
  • To get selected for the Triwizard cup you need to be a part of a school, and if the Hogwarts champion was already got selected then how was Harry’s name selected for the tournament?
  • How did he-who-must-not-be-named get all details of the quidditch tournament and Triwizard tournament?
  • If all wizard schools and wizards live with muggles then why muggles do not know about these schools and wizard houses?
  • How do wizards manage such a huge quidditch world cup?
  • How does portkey work?
  • Once Sirius black left Hogwarts, then where was he hiding?
  • Why ministry of magic was not successful in catching Sirius black?
  • How does wormtail reach you-know-who?
  • Why victor Krum was attacking other champions, except Harry,  in the third task?

If you have the same type or same questions and want to know the answers then do drop a comment and I’ll reply to it. Let’s have a conversation about this book and delve into this magical journey. 

I’ll come up with updates about other books as well. So stay tuned. Those updates will also be in the same format so that we can have detailed conversations and discussions about them as well. If you want to know about any specific Harry potter book series/movie then let me about it as well. I’ll write about that next.

Want to know about Harry potter and the order of phoenix then follow this article

Tejbahadur Singh

Always learner enthusiast finding solutions of technical issues that exist. Web, Blockchain, cybersecurity, web/app security researcher. I am a nerd who can be found reading books, consuming online contents and reading on internet.

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