Harry and the half blood prince movie book connect


Dumbledore is looking for all options to know about Voldemort, as per him knowing Voldemort will give them a way to kill Voldemort. He invited Slughorn to teach in school. It was only to know more about Voldemort. Dumbledore is giving private classes to Harry so that he can help Harry to know why he wants to kill Voldemort. 

Ministry is not solving the problem and finding Voldemort, they are just trying to show that they are fixing the problem. Dumbledore is quite absent from school in search of Voldemort’s background. He is trying to find out the ways by which he can kill Voldemort. Harry is having suspicion about Draco Malfoy and he is trying to find it, what is he up to? He is telling about this to everyone, but no one is believing him.

Harry gets to know everything about Voldemort and his past. Hermione and Ron do not agree with him that Draco is trying to do some suspicious activity. Voldemort placed Horcrux in a cave and tested its security with a Kreacher.

After watching the movie you have questions like the below:

  • When Voldemort planted the Ravenclaw diadem in the room of requirement?
  • Why Dumbledore’s hand was dying?
  • Who was the headmaster of Hogwarts after dumbledor’s death?
  • Why snape calls himself a half-blood prince?
  • How did Draco and snape escaped after killing Dumbledore?
  • Why room of requirement is not visible on the marauders’ map?

This book tells everything about Voldemort and its history. How has he survived till now? And what he did do with his muggle parents?

If you have the same questions and want to know the answers then do drop a comment and I’ll reply to it. Let’s have a conversation about this book and delve into this magical journey. 

I’ll come up with updates about other books as well. So stay tuned. Those updates will also be in the same format so that we can have detailed conversations and discussions about them as well. If you want to know about any specific Harry potter book series/movie then let me know about it as well. I’ll write about that next.

Want to know about Harry Potter and the Deathly hollows then follow this article

Tejbahadur Singh

Always learner enthusiast finding solutions of technical issues that exist. Web, Blockchain, cybersecurity, web/app security researcher. I am a nerd who can be found reading books, consuming online contents and reading on internet.

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