How to apply for International Physics Olympiads


Different international Olympiads

Olympiads are a good platform to test your knowledge of a subject. Your not only compete with international candidates but to get selected for that you will require to compete with national candidates as well. There are many different international Olympiads that you can apply to below are some of the most popular:

  1. International Biology Olympiad
  2. International Olympiad in Informatics
  3. International Mathematical Olympiad
  4. International Physics Olympiad
  5. International Chemistry Olympiad
  6. International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics
  7. International Junior Science Olympiad
  8. International Earth Science Olympiad
  9. International General Knowledge Olympiad

There are not all lists of Olympiads to name. If you will search for that specific subject then you will come to know about that specific Olympiad

who organizes these Olympiads

These Olympiads are organized by their respective organizations. like to Organize International Biology Olympiad there is an organization of this name. like International Mathematical Olympiad and International Physics Olympiad links.

Eligibility criteria to apply for international Olympiads

students in class 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th can appear for this exam. They should also not have passed class 12 before appearing for this exam. if you are going for the Indian national physics Olympiad (INPho) then you should pass NSEP (National Standard Examination in Physics) with more than 50% of the average of the top ten scores.

In India which organizations help to prepare for it

If you score more than 80% in the NSEP exam then you are selected for INPho (Indian National Physics Olympiad). The top 35 students are selected for OCSC (Orientation cum Selection camp). This camp is managed by HBCSE (Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education) and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)

Who bares the cost of travel and stay for these Olympiads

As you are representing India at an international level, the Government bears the whole cost of this participation. That includes your visa, travel, and stay.


Appearing for international Olympiads is a significant achievement. You must go through a rigorous selection process to represent India in these Olympiads. In This, we covered the process of IPho. If you want to know the process of any other Olympiad or need to know any other thing about International Physics Olympiad then comment and we can discuss.

Tejbahadur Singh

Always learner enthusiast finding solutions of technical issues that exist. Web, Blockchain, cybersecurity, web/app security researcher. I am a nerd who can be found reading books, consuming online contents and reading on internet.

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